Thankfully Justin Jeffers, editor of men’s style blog The Fine Young Gentlemen, has created a simple chart so the colour co-ordination between your pants and footwear will puzzle you no more!
The left column features the colour of trousers you wish to wear, and on the right you can see which shoe colours will go with your outfit. If they work, the co-ordinating box will be shaded the colour of the shoe, if not you’ll get a massive NO. Jeffers and we here at Lifehack acknowledge that there will always be preferences and exceptions; this is simply a general overview of which colours are complimentary! Do you agree with this chart or do you like to live outside the laws of colour harmony? Do you agree that navy shoes are more wearable than black shoes? What Color Shoes To Wear With What Color Pants? | The Fine Young Gentleman Featured photo credit: Gratisography via