Luck has very little to do with it. It is called a post-stress condition, where the body’s defenses to ward off inflammation or infections after a stressful event phases out. Just after a strenuous project of any sort that heightens stress levels like, training for a marathon, a final exam, or working on completing a proposal, and just as you have successfully reached the end of the challenging tunnel reaching the limelight you suddenly fall sick!
The Let Down Effect ClockWork
Marc Schoen, from the UCLA School of Medicine author of, When Relaxation is Hazardous to Your Health, calls this phase the ‘letdown’ reaction. Prostaglandins are released together with stress hormones leading to heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and migraines. What happens is the immune system is on alert and is set to fight. Now when stress starts to subside, the immune system goes on a retreat as well, leaving the body vulnerable to the effects of prostaglandins . Schoen’s states: “Don’t go from 100 miles and hour to a screeching halt.” Instead of launching straight onto the couch or next to the pool, schedule an exercise routine. A few minutes at different intervals during the day is sufficient to keep the immune system boosted. Schoen recommends brain stimulation as well, like crossword puzzles and card games. After this, you may unwind without effects of a crash landing. The best way to avoid this ‘letdown’ phase is preventing strain. When you are under stress pace yourself,get enough sleep,exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Make time for relaxation like rhythmic breathing, meditation and decompress.If you feel that you lack time to adopt healthier habits, this problem has an immediate solution in sixty seconds. Yes, sixty seconds! A study in the American College of Cardiology revealed that sitting for more four hours a day will leave you prone to sickness. If the main reason for not adopting healthier habits is because there is enough time, consider that problem solved in sixty seconds. Take minute walk intervals. Every step counts toward the ten thousand recommended per day. According to Dr Nieca Goldberg from the Joan H Tisch Centre for Women’s Health at New Yor University Medical center, when you have stressful episodes there is a need to take breaks and not get engage continuously. Even if you happen to be under extreme stress at work thirty seconds focusing on breathing exercises in between meetings will decompress the stress and avoid your body system to a force shut down keeping your immune system in check. Balance physical and mental stimulation in the correct intensity. Physical stimulation like brisk walks or taking the stairway a few times a day will assist. Mental stimulation in the form of mathematical problems. computer games, crossword puzzles or chess are a critical window according to Schoen and you will emerge feeling refreshed and not down n out!