1. You are an opportunity magnet.

If you are just sitting around hoping that opportunity will knock on your door, then you are not being an opportunity magnet. For example, if you want to meet Mr. or Ms. Right, you can’t just stay home every weekend and watch sad romantic movies by yourself. Instead, you should accept that co-worker’s invitation to go to happy hour with a group of friends. You never know – Mr./Ms. Right might be there. Or get yourself out on an internet dating site. However you do it, you need to keep your eye out for any opportunity that might bring your desire to you.

2. You should loosen up and let unexpected things happen.

Getting out of our comfort zone is difficult for some people. For example, maybe a friend of yours just told you about an awesome investment opportunity. You might not have even been looking to invest any of your money. And if you’re not a risk-taker, you might be tempted to turn it down. But we all know the saying, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It’s true. So loosen up and warm up to the idea of unexpected opportunities to come your way.

3. You can be outgoing.

Believe it or not, luck often happens through connecting with other people. Maybe you’re looking to change careers. And it’s great to get your resume out on the online job search websites, but there is a chance it might get lost in cyberspace among all of the other people’s resumes. So in addition to doing that, you should start networking. Get yourself out there and go to business meetings. Go to parties. Pass out your business card. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a new career. We often hear, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” So being a “people person” will definitely bring more luck into your life.

4. You should be flexible.

Maybe you are a great goal-setter. You have your eye on the prize, and you don’t let anything distract you from getting there. For example, maybe you want to make some extra money, so you start an online business. Meanwhile, people start asking you to speak to their groups and offer to pay you a fee. If you turn down those opportunities, maybe you are not embracing the unexpected. Keep your eyes open to alternatives to your plan. You don’t have to change the plan if you don’t want to, just be flexible and don’t ignore other interesting things that come across your path.

5. You shouldn’t be afraid to fail.

Failing is a part of life. As Thomas Edison said, “I failed my way to success.” Did he invent the light bulb on the first try? Heck no! It took a lot of “failures” for him to figure it out. And while it might seem like movie stars are “lucky,” think about how many times they got rejected before they got their big break. If they had given up, then they wouldn’t appear to be “lucky.” They would be just another starving actor. So put in the effort and accept the fact that success doesn’t happen overnight

6. You work hard.

Do you think that Donald Trump became a billionaire by sitting around eating bon-bons? Or did Oprah become the most famous woman on the planet by watching soap operas all day? Of course not! Many people look at them and call them “lucky,” but they worked their tails off to get where they are. They embraced opportunities and the possibility of failure. They kept showing up and doing the work required to get where they are. So while they appear to be lucky, they are really just talented, hard workers.

7. You change your thoughts and mindset.

Success starts with you. Luck starts with you. In fact everything starts with you. I have two mottos I live by: “Success from the inside – out” and “Change your thinking, change your life.” The reason those are my mottos is because you can’t change your outer world unless you change your inner world. So if you are going around with all sorts of negative thoughts in your head, you will not have the right mindset for creating your own luck. Instead, you need to monitor your negative thoughts and change them into positive ones. Creating your own luck doesn’t have to be difficult. If you try to adopt these seven characteristics of “lucky people,” then you will be just fine.