There are certain practices that differentiate a regular boss from a great boss. A boss needs to avoid making common mistakes like creating binaries between teams and bringing personal biases into the workplace. This infographic by UNUM brings to our notice 42 great ways of becoming a force to contend with in an office environment without ruffling feathers. It is not easy to keep all these in mind, but to nurture a practice of having basic principles such as honesty and having vision makes sure that those around you are optimally motivated to do good work. While showing office goers how to maintain professionalism, there are a number of very specific ways to deal with situations where we tend to micromanage or take on the work of those around us. By the end of this piece we gauge that the best part are the tips that are provided by the industry jewels such as Andrew Carnegie and Sheryl Sandberg. By the time you’re at the end of this chart, hopefully you’ll find yourself a tad wiser than before, so make sure you put at least few of these to work from this day onward and let us know how you fared in the comments.