1. Join a contest like a beauty contest or fitness contest.
Take part in a contest which you can show off the best parts of yourself, be it a singing contest, dancing contest, fitness contest or beauty contest. These are all great choices as you can truly widen your horizon with the special experience, while gaining a bit of fame. Who knows if you may eventually be the champion?
2. Baby-sit a child
Looking after children requires your patience and concentration. Yet only a smile from a child can melt your heart and make you feel the time you’ve spent on him/her is rewarding. In fact, babysitting a neighbor’s child can be a part-time job for you to gain money.
3. Perform in the street
Do a mini magic show or an acrobatic show, sing a song or play a musical instrument in the street. Yes it takes your courage, but it’s worth a try if you’ve got a group of audience paying their time, or even a bit of money to watch your performance in the hectic streets.
4. Join a carnival or any free festivals
Not only can you have fun in such events, you get food and beverages for free. Sometimes you even get souvenirs! Sure they’ll forgive you for being a bit greedy since you’re out of money at the moment.
5. Take a video to put on YouTube
Shoot for whatever theme and topic you like and put the video on YouTube. You’ll see how you create buzz on the internet with just a few-minute-clip. (By the way, if your video’s really widespread, you may get unexpected revenue from advertisements!)
6. Sell your old stuff
7. Build A Mobile App
It takes you effort but no money at all to launch a mobile app. If you don’t know any technology but have the ideas, ask your friends for help! Develop an app, then put it on AppStore and Google Play, it’s easy to do. If the app you develop performed well, sure you’d feel proud of yourself and the downloads could earn you money!
8. Grab your camera and take photos around
Ordinary items can become interesting bits and pieces in your shots. Make good use of your creativity and imagination to shoot stuffs at different angle to amuse yourself.
9. Enjoy some audiovisual entertainments
If you don’t feel like going out sometimes, stay indoors and watch TV or play on your favorite music. The simplest things to ease yourself at home.
10. Find a way to express yourself
Some like writing, some prefer painting, some fancy playing with a musical instrument, or even composing a song. Choose your own way to express your feelings. If you don’t mind, share what you’ve expressed with your friends or just on any online platforms too.
11. Get yourself a new look
You don’t need to pay to do this. Do the hair-dyeing and cutting yourself; search in the wardrobe for the old clothes and accessories and match a new delighting look for yourself.
12. Decorate your room
Rearrange the things’ settings in your room or even paint your room with left over paint. Then, immerse yourself in a new relaxing atmosphere.
13. Take a bath in a bathtub
Right, I don’t mean a quick shower. Soak yourself in the bathtub and take a hot bath, comfortable and relaxing huh?
14. Look through your old photo albums
Take out your photo albums and have a stroll down on memory lane and recall the best of your memories.
15. Play some sports like jogging
Doing sports’ a free activity, just play your favorite sports. You shouldn’t let the pressure of lacking money go all over you, maintain a healthy body to move on!
16. Start to cook
If you know how to cook, just cook with whatever ingredients you have at home; if you don’t know how, browse for any simple recipes on the internet and start cooking. Besides the fact that cooking can be fun, you’re actually doing something for yourself with the food you’ve made.
17. Play with your pets
They don’t talk and may not understand you, but they’re always there and ready to make you happy.
18. Start to plant
While taking good care of plants could be a lesson, watching the seeds grow into flowers or fruits is an amazing experience.
19. Go to the public library and borrow a book or two to read on
Reading requires your concentration and comprehension, so it forces your brain to exercise. Keep your brain active so you’ll have new ideas coming up always. Plus, you never know if you’ll find something fascinating that inspires you!
20. Do some cleanings if you feel like so
Clean up your own house and tidy up your clothes. It’s more than just literally cleaning up the places, studies have shown that a clean place relaxes people and facilitates thinking.
21. Find your friends or people you want to connect with
List out the people you want to meet; they can be your old friends, neighbors or teachers. Call them or meet up with them. Treasure the times you spend with these people, can’t just lock up your hearts all the time, right?
22. Spend time with your family
You should not neglect your family because they’re always standing by you. Hug your parents and spend some time hanging out with them.
23. Meet new friends
Join your old school’s reunions or big groups gatherings, where you can meet new friends and revive your interpersonal network. If you’re more of an indoor person, try meeting friends online; it’s fairly common nowadays.
24. Write a letter to someone
Pick up the long-forgotten pen and start to write a letter for someone you care about. Oh, what about a love letter to someone you’ve been having a crush on?
25. Get in touch with the nature
Do you know that just 5 minutes doing something in the woods or even just in a nearby park can boost your mental health? Go hiking or go to the beach, take a deep breath there and feel the natural breeze to enliven your mind.
26. Go fishing
It’s definitely a great time-killing activity. You may have to wait for a long time for the fish to get hooked, but you’ve earned yourself some peaceful moments to think.
27. Wander around your neighborhood
Walk around your neighborhood and just observe what people do in the streets. It’s not necessary to have a purpose for walking around the city.
28. Feed some wild animals
Here I’m talking about legal feeding to the animals. Go to the park and feed the fishes with the tiny pieces of bread. The fishes’ chase and clash for the food could be a fun scene.
29. Go to a flea market
You don’t need to have something to buy to go there because there’s always so many things to explore in a flea market. Just walk around the flea market and look at all the interesting stuffs.
30. Do some community services
Voluntary work sounds like the least thing people want to do when they have no money, but nah-ah, it trains you and gives you confidence. While you can help people, you find your value in the community.
31. Go to church or join a religious gathering
Choose a religion that you’re comfortable with and join its gatherings. Just see how religion may move you. Of course I don’t want any of you to have no money, but if unfortunately it happened to you, try on the 31 things listed above and move on with your life!