Houseplants as more than functional decorations
The presence of something “green” elicits happy emotions and makes the atmosphere relaxing and peaceful, whether you are in your home or strolling in a garden. What’s more significant of the unmatched advantages of keeping houseplants in your home is their ability to ward off a number of negative effects on your body through pests, harmful toxins, poor indoor air, chemicals, etc.
Houseplants for a fresh breath of air at home
Lady Palm: Best houseplant (requiring less maintenance) to resist pests at home. Aloe: This sun-loving houseplant will help clear common VOC’s like formaldehyde and benzene. Areca Palm: An adorable option to decorate your home, however, also highly effective to get rid of airborne toxins. Spider Plant: A great air purifier that fights off VOC’s, carbon monoxide, and xylene, which incorporates chemically-related hydrocarbons used by leather, rubber, and printing firms. It’s also safe for pets at home. Rubber Plant: It specifically removes the presence of formaldehyde from indoor air. Golden Pothos: Consider it also as a phenomenal option to plant outdoors, maybe your garage, because it can battle formaldehyde which is a major content of car exhaust. Janet Craig: As cool as it sounds, this houseplant will help ease off your indoor air by eliminating trichloroethylene. It is another low maintenance option with attractive features. Chrysanthemum: If you’re a frequent user of glue, paint, plastic, or detergent at home, this indoor plant should be a colorful option for you because it filters out benzene. Ficus Alii: A natural resistant to pests while providing general air purification at home. Peace Lily: It eliminates alcohol, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from indoor air, and evokes a romantic feeling in your room.
What the researches and studies are concluding about houseplants
Several studies have reported the benefits of houseplants for human beings, and also the environment, such as the 2009 research published by the American Society of Horticultural Science in Science Daily which proves the effectiveness of houseplants in reducing indoor ozone (main component of air pollution) concentrations. Natural remedy for managing asthma at home is a major boon offered by houseplants as they are capable of regulating indoor humidity levels and eliminating asthma triggers like allergens by providing a clean and pure supply of oxygen, vital for every organ of your body to function as they should. The 2009 research also proved how houseplants cancel one of the toxic ozone effects, i.e. reduction in lung function, which is related to asthma. Not to forget, NASA along with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America identified the importance of houseplants for purifying air in space facilities in the late ‘80s. Thanks to their nature, these natural air purifiers and humidifiers are great at keeping respiratory conditions at check, which could be delayed by effects of long-term exposure to impure indoor air. The benefits of houseplants do not end here. In a 2008 study, they were proved by Dutch researchers to have lowered stress levels for patients in hospitals than for those without any indoor plants in their rooms. It’s worth mentioning that houseplants are proving themselves time again as a strong home remedy to dismiss different triggers of asthma, this time by providing a reposeful and calming environment for stress and anxiety related asthma. Finally, below is an interesting infographic on NASA’s guide to Air-Filtering Houseplants by