4 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Fortunately that isn’t the way it has to be. Dieting to lose weight and be healthy does not always involve eating different foods or even less foods. There are many ways to lose weight and stay healthy besides cutting out your favorite chocolate bar. One of the best ways to both maintain a healthy weight, and lose weight to get to that healthy weight is by boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism is essentially how fast your body can digest and use the food that you eat....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 560 words · Henry Addington

4 Ways To Make Learning A New Language Easier

Whether you are planning acquiring a new language for a vacation abroad or for self-development, here are some ways to make the process faster and more straight-forward. 1. Invest in a solid curriculum While it might be tempting to purchase the first software or book that you see, having quality resources can help to make sure you are learning the right way—you don’t want to feel as though you aren’t challenged, but you also don’t want to feel as though you are moving too quickly through the material....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 550 words · John Hall

4 Ways To Overcome Barriers To Change And Make New Habits Stick

Will 2012 be a year for change or will you keep doing what you have always done? Seems obvious, only an idiot would try to keep doing the same thing and expect different results, no? But the truth is I’m guilty of it, my friends are guilty, my family are guilty and I guess each one of you reading this is also guilty of the syndrome. If change were easy we would all be different, more successful, healthier, fitter, stronger, slimmer, more intelligent and definitely more accomplished....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 726 words · Madeline Badilla

4 Ways To Reduce Your Online Business Carbon Footprint And Their Benefits

Apart from becoming more attractive for generation Y and saving the planet, you can actually cut your maintenance costs by going greener. An environment friendly business means lower electricity costs and lower equipment costs. Moreover, your employees are going to thank you – according to studies, employees working in green companies reported fewer sick days on average.[1] Other studies link an increase in productivity to environmentally friendly organizations.[2] With this in mind, here are some of the ways you can make your online business even more green than it already is....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 628 words · Jacob Munch

5 Awesome Browser Extensions

5 totally awesome Browser Extensions! Join Steve every week for Dotto Tech, weekly podcast

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 14 words · Donald Beddo

5 Basic Essentials To Know Before Buying A Smartphone Case For Iphone 7 Plus

However, the fact that we have different types of smartphone cases to choose from does not mean all smartphone cases are useful or essentially worth the cost. If you want to enjoy a smartphone case, especially for your iPhone 7 series, it is important to take these five factors into consideration: 1. Color Choosing color is a matter of taste and preference. But, if you happen to own a smartphone with a great design, you will definitely want the case to be transparent....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 564 words · Karen Godwin

5 Best Daily Planner Apps To Boost Your Productivity

Long gone are the times of misplaced post-it notes in hopes to keep tasks in sight. Today we’re blessed with endless digital daily planner apps. They make our lives easier, keep us organized and productive. If you’re not using one yet, it’s time to start right now. If you’re not sure which one would suit you best, I have listed the 5 best daily planner apps for you to have a variety of choices....

December 21, 2022 · 8 min · 1504 words · Russell Hutcheson

5 Conversation And Interaction Tips

Conversation and Interaction Tips If you’ve met someone only once or twice before, and then run into them at a conference or other social gathering, introduce yourself again, complete with some tidbits from the last talk. Say, “Hey Heidi. I’m Chris Brogan. We talked at PodCamp Boston about video podcasting for farmers.” That way, she has every chance in the world to save “face,” and also get immediately back into the time frame of when she met you, and what happened....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 534 words · Thomas Ellis

5 Fitness Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

With that said, here are 5 fitness mistakes that may be holding you back and stopping you from getting the results you want. 1: Spending Too Much Money Loading up on all the latest gadgets, equipment, and workout apparel you can find won’t help you lose weight or get fit any more quickly. In fact, the only thing that will be getting lighter is you wallet. A few late night infomercials and that new Ab Blaster 3000 starts to look like the solution to all your fitness problems....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 732 words · Phillip Caesar

5 Inspiring Lessons Taught By Michelle Obama

Here are 5 inspiring lessons we can learn from this First Lady. 1. She is teaching us about healthy eating. The First Lady wanted to improve the family’s diet and that meant healthier food. What better way than to use the White House Kitchen garden as a place to grow vegetables and fresh produce for both the first family’s meals and White House events? It would be an inspiration for other families to do the same....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 514 words · Marie Braxton

5 Key Qualities Of An Outsourced Catering Menu

Of concern is how to match the event with an appropriate meal course whether you are planning a party, a sporting day, a corporate meeting, a religious gathering, or a birthday celebration. The cost and time of cooking the entire meal are oftentimes infeasible. So too is the likelihood of simply ordering out for bulk fast-food packages. In these moments, the only option is to look for outsourced catering. The question that remains now is how to select the appropriate and satisfactory caterer to hire, commission, or contract....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 944 words · Thomas Arriola

5 Reasons People With Crazy Minds Are More Likely To Succeed

For me it’s individuals like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and J.K. Rowling. However, these people weren’t always seen as they are now. They were all once labeled things like, “foolish”, “senseless”, or “crazy” by people who couldn’t understand them. Why? Anyone who challenges the status quo and presents new, radical ideas is bound to meet resistance in some form or another. However, what makes crazy-minded individuals successful is their ability to overcome the odds stacked against them – no matter what they may be....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 792 words · Travis Maltas

5 Savory Ice Cream Sandwiches Dessert Lover Can T Miss

1. Chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches These are pretty simple to make, and we’re sure your kids will love them too. It’s best to eat them with freshly made chewy cookies, but store bought is OK as well. To make these, take two home-made or store-bought chocolate-chip cookies and sandwich some vanilla ice cream between them. This recipe is so simple; even your kids can make these. You can also decorate them with additional chocolate chips for better-looking sandwiches....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 744 words · Donald Keil

5 Simple Steps To Live Life Freely

Here are five simple but powerful steps you can take in order to live life freely. 1. Ditch expectations We expect so many things, all the time. And when they don’t turn out the way we want, we feel disappointed. As a result, we lose hope. Before everything else, we need to realize how ridiculous it is to expect something. We want people to act in a certain way, we want events to turn out the way we see them, we want our plans to work....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 620 words · Scott Thompkins

5 Simple Tips For Better Grades At High School

They still look up to you and want to make you proud. Your support throughout their high school years will have an enormously positive effect on their grades and attitude towards school and studying. It can be difficult to know just exactly how you can help your teen with their studies. After all, it’s probably been a while since you’ve opened a math or chemistry book! So here are 5 practical things you can do with your teen to help them reach their academic potential at high school....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 729 words · Rachel Slaughter

5 Steps Of My To Do Lists Revolution

5 Steps of My To-Do Lists Revolution – [Personal Development Ideas Blog] The main reason for switching to post-its is that I can accomplish all the things I did with to-do lists (like tracking tasks, marking the start dates and marking tasks as deferred or completed ones), PLUS I can MOMENTARILY get completed tasks out of the plan for today. If it sounds too simple for the best to-do list optimization trick, TRY IT yourself!...

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 75 words · Jamie Garcia

5 Steps To A Zen Commute

You have to get from A to B, B to C, and C to D. You need to get groceries, go to work, get to the gym, and maybe you would like to go out for a drink. Let’s face it – most of the time that involves getting into your car. And if you live in a big city, more often than not, it also involves traffic. How can you make that time less stressful and more zen?...

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 639 words · Constance Black

5 Tax Tips Freelancers Need To Know

Freelancers – whether or not you are officially incorporated – need to be diligent come tax time or else face scrutiny from the IRS. To make sure you don’t over (or under) pay the IRS, here are five tax tips every freelancer needs to know: Put money aside. Freelancing’s dirty little secret is that when it comes to Social Security and Medicare taxes, you get hit double. Not only do you need to pay your portion, you also pay the employer’s portion....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 480 words · Julia Flipp

5 Things Our Parents Expect From Us During Old Age

To help you strengthen your bond with your aging parents, given below are six things your parents actually expect from you. 1. Time: Sit With Them! “Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” – Proverbs 23:22 Time, without a doubt, is the biggest asset. According to reports, most parents wait for their children to visit home and give them time and attention....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 774 words · Ivy Veyna

5 Things To Do When You Are Buried In Debt

I also made late payments on my utility and credit card bills and therefore had to pay penalties on them. My debt started ballooning – growing faster and larger – because I was being charged higher interest rates. I had debt collectors breathing down my neck, but I had no money left to pay off my creditors. It took me time and discipline to turn my money situation around. Here are five essential points I learned to not do in order to get out of debt:...

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 581 words · Miles Cutter