3 Foolproof Ways To Beat Day To Day Stress

Apart from following the general practices of indulging in a hobby or cultivating an interest away from work, this graphic also tells us about three fool-proof ways in which your day-to-day stress can be relieved. While all of these are easy enough additions to your workplace, make sure you don’t break any rules to follow them. Here are the important highlights from this infographic: A plant can do wonders to help you cut down on stress....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 230 words · Judy Langham

3 Lies You Were Told As A Child

“I got 30 Valentine’s Day cards this year, one from each of my classmates.” “I have 30 more minutes to play outside before going home to finish my homework!” Oh, the things we thought about as children. Looking back on these thoughts, they seem a bit ridiculous, don’t they? They are a bit ridiculous — because they are lies. As we grew up, everyone around us fed us beautiful and inspirational lines of uplifting protection....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 769 words · Hugh Lechleidner

3 Ways To Help A Baby Relieve Gas And Colic Naturally

1. Burping One of the most important things we learn in our first weeks of parenting is how to burp a baby. A few different situations can cause infants to swallow air — if they cry before a feeding, experience a strong or fast milk flow during nursing, or fail to properly seal their mouths around the breast or bottle while feeding, they may end up with bubbles in their bellies....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1022 words · Tyler Bagaoisan

30 Flavorful Green Smoothie Recipes That You Can Make In Less Than 5 Mins

Green Smoothies Traditionally smoothies used to be calorie-laden drinks with yogurt being the only good thing in them, the rest being artificial flavors and tons of sugar. Then came the concept of the healthy smoothie of yogurt with fruits. Now of course, the trend has changed with the concept of the green smoothie that incorporates all that is healthy; veggies, fruits and of course, all natural additives like nuts, seeds and herbs....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1119 words · Rex Weston

30 Awesome Online Shopping Sites I Wish I D Known Earlier

Here is my list of 30 shopping sites I wish I’d known earlier. Furniture/home decor 1. Poppin This is a website focused on office decor. When you organize your working or studying desk properly, you’ll enjoy the hard work much more. Here comes the best part: the items are organized by color! That makes the choice much easier. A classic des set of 12 ballpoint pens, a pen cup and notebook costs $25....

December 21, 2022 · 12 min · 2369 words · Christian Knost

30Sec Tip Canned Responses In Gmail

Go to settings in Gmail. Enable canned responses in the Labs section. Save and send your common messages using one button. Featured photo credit: White keyboard and mouse via Shutterstock

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 30 words · Brian Ackerman

30Sec Tip You Will Be Wrong 90 Of The Time

Maybe you lost your company’s big client. Maybe you forgot to do a critical part of that big project. Maybe you weren’t there for someone when they needed you, even when you said you would be. Whatever the situation, someone trusted you to do a job and you failed. Now you’ve got to tell them. The instinctive reaction to a situation like this is “duck and cover” — protect yourself by any means necessary....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 103 words · Michael Thacker

31 Things To Do When You Have No Money

1. Join a contest like a beauty contest or fitness contest. Take part in a contest which you can show off the best parts of yourself, be it a singing contest, dancing contest, fitness contest or beauty contest. These are all great choices as you can truly widen your horizon with the special experience, while gaining a bit of fame. Who knows if you may eventually be the champion? 2. Baby-sit a child Looking after children requires your patience and concentration....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1275 words · John Cali

35 Of The Best Thunderbird Addons

MakeUseOf.com have a nice list of their best 10 ‘must-have’ Thunderbird Addons, appended with 25 more that you ‘might-want’. Coming in at #10 is the Thunderbird equivalent of this email function we tried to solve previously. 10 must-have Thunderbird Addons (+ 25 more) – [MakeUseOf]

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 45 words · Gladys Lowe

4 Big Reasons To Jump Into Your Life With Both Feet

The very best way to live a rich life that I know of is through what I call ‘Inspired Participation’. A couple of quick definitions for you – in-spired To stimulate to action; motivate To breathe life into. To be the cause or source of; bring about. par-tic-i-pa-tion The act of taking part or sharing in something. To share in something. Participation is an active process of engaging with your own life....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 708 words · Alfred Williams

4 Killer Poker Skills That Help Your Business Grow

Eventually, though, many seasoned players realize that the very same skills that propelled their career on the felt can also be transferred to the world of business and entrepreneurship. Modern poker pro players like Phil Hellmuth, Daniel Negreanu, and Jason Somerville have built their own brands, leveraging good standing within the poker community to pursue projects which are both financially lucrative and personally fulfilling. The 5 skills listed below not only help poker players overcome variance, they are in fact wholly transferrable in many aspects of life and can have a direct impact in helping you to grow and improve your business venture....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 874 words · Susan Kornfeld

4 Potential Benefits Of A Bitcoin Currency

This article acknowledges that the technical details of Bitcoin technology may be irrelevant from the perspective of investors and or businesspersons. The brief discussion excludes the focus on the crypto-currency model, the cryptography mathematical model, the use of block-chain technologies, which may not be as important as the realization of the potential benefits of a Bitcoin wallet. As such, the article seeks to exclusively review the realistic user-based advantages of using Bitcoin as a currency....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 727 words · Rachel Meachum

4 Productivity Secrets From Another Gtd Book

The latter is definitely less reveired. However, LiveClever digs up a few goodies from this 1976 guidebook. 4 productivity secrets from the other Getting Things Done book – [LifeClever] “Professor Parkinson was right: work expands to fill the time available for its completion. “The only way to overcome this is to work Parkinson’s principle in reverse—set a deadline for each task and hold to that deadline” 2. Eat lunch later “A practice that many people find useful is to postpone lunch until 1pm or later, using the noon hour for work....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 194 words · Graig Carpentieri

4 Reasons Why You Can T Achieve Your Goals

No matter what string of events has apparently blocked you from achieving your goals, blaming fate, circumstance or misfortune for your inability to accomplish your aims isn’t going to get you anywhere! So what is it that keeps you wanting your goals so badly and yet at the same time holding you back from achieving them? Working with hundreds of clients has allowed me to identify four categories of pitfalls among entrepreneurs who find themselves at a dead end in regard to their goals....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 957 words · Elsa Kaywood

4 Reasons You Should Want More Control Over Your Lifestyle

Are you satisfied with your work or do you complain about your work? Does your body feel good or do you take medication and are in daily pain and discomfort? Are your relationships positive not only with others but with yourself or do you spend most of your time in conflict? Are you growing more financially secure or insecure? Your mental attitude and emotions determine your decisions and actions in your life....

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1369 words · Leona Young

4 Secrets To Getting Along With Difficult People

So, how do we deal with these people? How can we work together productively, whether in a parenting, a working, or a family relationship? Here are a few secrets to being able to keep your cool when dealing with that difficult person in your life: 1. Know Your Triggers Self-knowledge is powerful. We all have subjects and idiosyncrasies that push our buttons, and I can almost guarantee that the difficult person in your life knows what those are—but do you?...

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 698 words · Coy Holland

4 Serious Illnesses Linked To Asbestos Exposure

Asbestosis This progressive and chronic lung disease is caused by inhaling fibers of asbestos over long periods of time. Over time, these fibers cause scarring of the lungs which becomes hard and rigid, preventing the lungs from working properly. Persistent coughing, chest tightness, and breathlessness are just a few of the symptoms associated with the lack of oxygen. Asbestosis may get worse over time leading to respiratory failure as well as death, with no cure for the disease....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 566 words · Amber Stoker

4 Simple Tips To Overcome Your Mindless Eating Habits

Mindless eating is defined as eating food without paying adequate attention to what and how much food is being eaten. This is linked closely to eating out of boredom, or eating just to fill time – often times these two ideas are talked about as one and the same. The role of visual cues The underlying commonality here is that we aren’t always conscious of how much we’re eating. For example, consider this study on bottomless bowls done by Brian Wansink, author of “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think”....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1068 words · Paul Johnson

4 Things To Do In Canada In Winter

However , most of us around the world would find it hard to cope in Canada and will find it difficult to adapt to their lifestyle. What do you do during Winter? What can you do to be active and keep yourself energized? So we have decided to put together a few things that you might enjoy in the multicultural land of Canada , 1. Take A Roadtrip Around Canada Canada as a country is a large country....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 746 words · Derek Woods

4 Unbreakable Mindy S Ways That Every Girl Should Learn

Mindy has this quirky and humorous way of speaking her mind and an attitude that we crave. In real life, Mindy is not too different from all the characters she has played, whether it is Kelly Kapoor from the Office or Dr. Mindy Lahiri from The Mindy Project. She is an accomplished writer, actress, director and producer, with many a claim to fame under her belt – and by the way she is just 36!...

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 754 words · Joshua Castle