14 Reasons To Travel While You Re Young

You’ll recognize just how dependent you are on your family when you travel away from your hometown by yourself or with friends. In such cases, you will be forced to learn how to take care of yourself and to fix your own troubles, which will actually make you more independent. When you are still young, you don’t always pay attention to where you sleep. You can sleep anywhere such as on a table, in a chair or in a cramped hostel room and so on....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 987 words · Patricia Biondo

15 Amazing Things Only Single People Can Enjoy

1. We are fitter and happier Look at the figures – married people tend to put on weight as marital commitments ruin their fitness programs. Married men seem to be more at risk as one study shows that they are 25% more likely to pack on the pounds than their single counterparts. Being fitter also means that singles get a bigger slice of happiness. 2. We know it is a lottery You know the scenario You thought for a long time that there was something wrong with you because you were not in a stable relationship?...

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 886 words · Rosalie Myles

15 Items You Need To Have In Your Office Pantry

1. Honey Honey is one of those items that has magical properties. Synthesized by bees, honey lasts forever. This delicious sweetener has been found in ancient tombs and has a shelf life of several hundred years. Put some honey in your office pantry to go with fruit, yogurt, or tea. 2. Salt Salt is one of those items that is used in a million different ways. It can, of course, season your food, but it is also used as a preservative in curing meats and other items....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 665 words · Carlos Hughes

15 Performance Goals For Delivering Uncommon Results

Whether you are working for someone or working for yourself, there is a need to set your own performance goals in order to maximize your potential, boost your personal productivity, and exceed the expectations of your employer or clients. Furthermore, these provide excellent insights into various situations. For example, they can help to determine what is an adequate workload for you, and whether certain productivity tactics you are using are effective or not....

December 21, 2022 · 14 min · 2788 words · Richard Gaylor

15 Positive Thinking Books You Need For A Happy Life

One of the great things about people who think positively and live happy lives is that they love to help others do the same. There are countless positive-thinking books and these 15 are a great way to help you start living a happy life. 1. Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor E. Frankl This book goes through the horrific struggle of Viktor Frankl who survived holocaust concentration camps. The only thing that kept him going was his idea that everything, even the worst of human suffering, had to have meaning....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1131 words · Betty Foesch

15 Reasons Traveling Is The Wise Man S Addiction

1. You have something great to look forward to The long rainy days of Winter are much sweeter when you are thinking about your upcoming trip to the tropics with you looking amazing in your new bathing suit (Isn’t it funny that your imaginative future self is always slim with hair and nails just done?) 2. You learn to think on your feet Airports can be very stressful. They wind around and sometimes you have to go up several floors, take a tram somewhere and find your gate, all in an hour long layover....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1260 words · Susan Hawkins

15 Reasons Why Being A Stay At Home Parent Is Harder Than It Looks

1. You may feel lonely at times Loneliness may be a problem for any stay-at-home parent. Dads may feel this more keenly as they may have recently left work and miss the company of their coworkers. The number of stay-at-home dads is growing day by day. It is hard to put an accurate figure on this as many of these are work-at-home dads (WAHD) or are unemployed. The latest figures put the number at 1....

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1390 words · David Gordillo

15 Small Things Parents Should Do To Their Children Every Day To Make Them Feel Loved

1. Turn off your smartphone. When you get home or your kids get back from school, turn off your phone and give them your full attention at least for the first half hour or so. The kids love this because they know you are not going to be distracted by texts as they tell you what happened at school. The Swedish government did a poll and discovered that 33% of kids complained that their parents were always on their smartphones....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1173 words · Harry Gonzalez

15 Things About Love Which Are Not Told In Fairy Tales

1. You don’t always get to be tolerated. Mutual compromise is important in building a strong relationship. Knowing when to tolerate each other makes the relationship last long, and therefor it take both partners to understand when to give in. Expecting the other person to only tolerate you in all situations is only going to develop resentments and eventually damage the relationship. 2. You don’t get something effortlessly. You get what you give....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 800 words · Lea Skidmore

15 Things Only Fathers Of Girls Understand

1. You are a huge influence on her future partner. Remember, you cause direct impact on who she chooses to marry some day. Your sweet girl is closely watching you and pays huge attention towards your attitude to her mom and other women around. You are responsible for her future ability to trust, enjoy and shape healthy relationships with the males in her life. Consciously or not, a lot of girls pick their partners based on some characteristics of their fathers....

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1352 words · Matthew Hand

15 Things Only Moms Of Boys Understand

1. You’ve become immersed in the craziness and impatience of young boys. Let’s face it—there’s nothing quite like raising boys to test the limits of your physical capacities. Heck, moms of boys know that raising children pushes the envelope of mental and emotional capacities too. Taking your boys anywhere in public can feel more like organizing an entire circus than simply engaging in some quality family time. 2. You take your mistakes far too personally....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 914 words · Marilyn Young

15 Things You Probably Didn T Know About Your Brain

Scientists are continually discovering new things about the human brain, yet it remains a subject shrouded in mystery. These fifteen facts are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to studying the brain, but they shed light on some important aspects of the brain. It’s crazy to think that something that is mostly water controls all seven billion people in the world, and that there are 100 billion neurons working constantly to keep us all functioning....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 135 words · Josie Baxter

15 Useful Event Promotion Tips

em>In a recession, the entertainment industry thrives. So if you are thinking about trying your hand at event promotion, I have some suggestions for you:

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 25 words · George Dempsey

15 Ways To Turn Negative Reviews Into Positive Results

and This product has effectively turned its negative feedback into astonishingly positive results and we know how. Here are 15 ways to turn negative reviews into positive results. 1. Prevention is key (think ahead) Whether you are selling a product or offering a service, it is important to provide your customers with as much information as possible. Many negative reviews are the result of lack of information in a customer’s part and could have easily been avoided if information were easily available....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1161 words · Michael Berg

15 Wonderful Airbnb Homes That Will Inspire You To Live A Little Differently

Change your home to change your perspective. Just a small change can make a big difference at home. Finding inspiration through homes on AirBnb is a great place to start. Maybe you and a loved one just took an incredible trip and stayed in a tree house. Sure, it may not be possible to go home and turn your home into a tree, but you could still incorporate that airy feel....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1021 words · Donald Kenny

16 Things You Need To Do On Your Own Before Doing With Someone Else

I am a big believer in finding happiness by doing things on my own. Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with being an introvert, having no friends, or being lost in abandonment. In fact, I am very social and have the most amazing family, friends, co-workers and mentors. While I enjoy spending time with them, I also enjoy my own company. It is not only fun and rewarding, but a great way to reassure yourself that you are capable and independent....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 928 words · Sheila Jackson

16 Tips For Success From The World S Most Influential People

From superstar athletes to business and media moguls, these tips for success come from some of the most influential people around. Soak up their knowledge and apply it to your own plan for success. 1. Embrace the Possibility The unknown can certainly be scary for a lot of people. We avoid change because it potentially brings on a new set of problems and stress. If you lean into something that might seem difficult, however, that change can also bring on great achievement and happiness....

December 21, 2022 · 8 min · 1539 words · Danny Mccree

16 Unhealthy Habits You Should Get Rid Of By 35 Years Old

1. Comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to others you do damage to your sense of self. By undertaking the game of comparisons you are bound to end up feeling envious and low in confidence. Comparing yourself to others is also not very effective, as the front that others present in public may mask what they are really feeling or going through. 2. Being a spendthrift It’s all very well having the latest accessories and the nicest car; but is it really necessary?...

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 865 words · Christopher Mccoy

17 Time Saving Sleeping Hacks That Help You Fall Asleep Within 10 Mins

But here’s a good news for those who are time-conscious yet “sleepless”: you have more control on sleep and rest than you probably think. Here are 17 great hacks you can try to turn your brain off. The best part? These are easy and quick, so you don’t have to spend much time and effort to fall asleep.

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 58 words · Matthew Smith

17 Mindset Twists To Have This Year That Can Make You Much Happier

1. Become more productive Focus on productivity. Think of doing more in less time and performing less action. There are productivity tools and hacks that can help you achieve this. 2. Don’t procrastinate, act! Don’t procrastinate. Do what is necessary to make what you want happen. The best time to start is now. Instead of making excuses and complaining, act! 3. Spending too much time on social media Social media can be a burner....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 576 words · Roger Valencia