10 Sales Skills Everyone Should Master To Be Successful

The fact is that mastering sales skills is an essential part of being successful in any area of your life: as an artist or as a computer programmer, at your office when you present a new idea to your colleagues, as a business owner or even when planning a new holiday destination with your family. If you look at sales skills from the right angle, your success is on the way!...

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1309 words · Troy Stahl

10 Signs Of A Productive Office

1. Work Space Layout The actual physical layout of cubicles and other types of work space is a vital indicator of how much the company is willing to invest in its employees. As you walk through the office for your interview, you should be able to catch a glimpse of the physical work space assigned to employees of your level. Take note, as this is an important sign of a productive office....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 897 words · James Singleton

10 Signs You Ve Made The Right Choice To End That Relationship

1. You have more self esteem All those times he or she made you feel bad and incomplete are gone. You don’t feel lonely or ask yourself so many questions. Instead, you can manage yourself better and be organized again. You can have your thoughts in place. Now, you are a leader of yourself. 2. You have the right people coming into your life People that may have been estranged from your world because you were trying to make the best of your relationship can now enter your world again....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 605 words · Brian Doody

10 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Heartbreak

So, what are the hacks to ease this mental and emotional pain? Here, we provide 10 simple ways to get over your heartbreaks. Breakups are surely painful but they are not impossible to get over. Apply these heartbreak hacks to your life in case you are undergoing a breakup, or even if any of your friends are since these are surefire ways to help anyone through a breakup. As a reminder, this is a phase of your life where life actually begins so, hold your chin high and wipe those tears and prepare to embrace life and love as you begin again....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 110 words · Elizabeth Garrett

10 Situations People With Claustrophobia Absolutely Hate

1. We Hate Crowded Elevators The day I was moving into my apartment with my wife, we got stuck in the service elevator with a custodian and a huge bucket of garbage. For a half hour. In the dead of summer! Not exactly the way we wanted to start our life together, but at least we have a story to tell. I just know when the doors finally opened, I literally jumped out and just sat on the ground for a few minutes in order to regain my composure....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1183 words · Justin Champion

10 Success Books That People In Their Thirties Should Read

You’re looking for inspiration for that next great idea, getting ahead in your career, improving your relationships, being more confident, and finding success. Here’s how to earn 20 years of experience in seven days… Read books. Easy, right? Yet few people do it. Reading books sets your learning to light-speed. It’s an indespensible, transformational life hack. Friends of mine who know I read at least one book per week often ask me, “What’s your favorite book?...

December 21, 2022 · 8 min · 1574 words · Robert Mcleod

10 Super Easy Ways To Screw Up Your Blog

This handy infographic provides more deeper insights about blogging Do’s and more importantly Don’ts. These tips would help build credibility as an author and get readers who hang on to every word of yours and keep coming back for more. With a deluge of content and shrinking attention spans, it’s imperative that when it comes to your blog, you don’t leave anything amiss. 10 Super Easy Ways To Screw Up Your Blog | webhostingsecretsrevealed Featured photo credit: Webhosting Secrets Revealed via goo....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 82 words · Manuel Geiger

10 Surprising Facts About Star Wars

So for your sci-fi pleasure here are 10 Surprising Facts About Star Wars. 1. Alien Languages? Not So Much Sometimes it just easier to take what already exists and reuse it. Remember Greedo (the one Han shot first at the Mos Eisley cantina)? He was speaking Quecha, a native language from South America. Oh, and if you speak Zulu you can likely understand Jawaese, it’s the same language, just faster and higher pitched....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 606 words · Alice Holmquist

10 Things A Real Man Does When He S In A Relationship

If you want to know if you are a real man or are in a relationship with a real man, watch the actions. A real man behaves so different from the selfish frat boy types you see everywhere that you can’t fail to notice the difference. He is a gentleman—good for more than just the first few months. Importantly, a real man does things so well when he is in a relationship that you just have to love him and his style....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1045 words · Robert Tyler

10 Things Ambitious People Never Say

Ambitious people, however, believe in themselves and their capabilities. They understand that everyone is capable of achieving far much more than they typically give ourselves credit for. You won’t find ambitious people speaking negatively against their own interest — you won’t hear them say stuff like: 1. “I can’t do this—it’s too hard.” Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. They tell themselves they can do it and press on until it’s done....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 967 words · Nellie Bey

10 Things Emotionally Resilient People Don T Do

1. They don’t waste energy on negativity When these people are in a traffic jam, they accept that it is part of the deal of commuting to work. They are able to take advantage of this and listen to their favourite music on their MP3 or the radio. They realize that their anger, bad mood or temper is not going to change the situation one little bit. It is just another part of acceptance but also an opportunity....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 807 words · Jose James

10 Things Highly Grateful People Don T Do

People who are grateful do many things to show that they are, from writing down the little things for which they are grateful to telling the people in their life that they appreciate them. They don’t do these things: 1. They don’t assume their life will always be good. People who are very grateful for what they have know that things could go awry at anytime. They know that despite their best efforts, sometimes life throws us curveballs and we could still lose our job — or our home....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 817 words · Susan Mendez

10 Things Only People Who Have A Clever Girlfriend Would Understand

1. You know that you will never be bored Having a clever girlfriend by your side means that life will never be dull when you are together. She always knows about the best movies to watch or a music venue where you are bound to have a blast. She is highly creative and know how to help keep your relationship from slipping into a predictable routine. 2. You know that you will always have someone to push yourself to be your best Sometimes you need someone from the outside to encourage you to keep going when you feel like giving up....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 754 words · Frank Winokur

10 Things Only True American Hipsters Can Understand

1. They Have a Voice and Will Make it Heard Hipsters have many opinions on things, one of the main ones being policy and law. They are usually liberal and they believe that everyone should be treated equal because everyone was created equal. They have a stand on some of the hard-hitting like same sex marriage, war, famine, etc. and they are not afraid to stand by their views. 2. They drink Coffee They know that coffee allows them to reach certain expectations not just because of the caffeine....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 565 words · Donna Luster

10 Things Successful People Do To Achieve Greatness

And even though all three are great examples of success, there are lots of other people who are successful in their own way that we may not be as familiar with their names. But their habits? Well, that’s a different story. You see, successful people all do similar things. As Brian Tracy says, It’s these “tracks,” the behaviors and habits, that set them apart from the ordinary folks who just work their 9-to-5 jobs, clocking in and out every day, never looking to get ahead....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1027 words · James Volpe

10 Things To Remember When You Help A Depressed Friend

1. Remember to listen This one is so obvious. But I needed to say it because being able to listen attentively is especially crucial here. Do not get distracted, ignore those text messages for a bit, and focus all your energy and attention on your friend. The least you can do, really, is to make your friend feel important and like he or she really matters right now. Your friend needs you....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 969 words · Robert Storms

10 Things You Can Do To Make Your First Week On The Job Successful

1. Make Introductions a Priority The old cliché regarding the importance of first impressions is relevant when it comes to your first week on the job. To make a positive impression and make your presence known during your first week on the job, be sure to make an effort to introduce yourself to people in the office. This is especially important for people who you will be working directly with on a daily basis....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 881 words · Wendy Kosiba

10 Things You Should Know Before Graduation

You may either decide not to graduate at all Or you may graduate making more money than you thought you would by age 40. 1. You Will Likely Need To Unlearn A Lot Of Your Schooling “The current (educational) structure, which seeks low-cost uniformity that meets minimum standards, is killing our economy, our culture, and us.”―Seth Godin In the late 1800’s, schools were designed and intended to teach obedience. During the rise of our industrial age, big corporations needed workers for their factories....

December 21, 2022 · 12 min · 2500 words · Ashley Walden

10 Things You Should Know When Having A Relationship In Your 20S

Here are some things you should keep in mind if you plan on having a relationship in your 20s. 1. Make Time for a “Date Night” Young couples are constantly going out, spending time with friends, working, or going to school. In order to show one another how much you care, it’s a very good idea to plan a date night, even if it’s just once a month. Take turns picking the restaurant, or even prepare a romantic dinner at home....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 742 words · Melissa Ledesma

10 Ways To Cultivate The Alpha Personality For Success

You are probably sitting there reading and thinking, “Oh, that sounds great. I wish I was born with an alpha personality.” The game-changing point for you and many others is that while 2% of people may just be born with such a personality, the other 98% have learned to develop an alpha personality. Here are ten ways you can begin to cultivate an alpha personality: 1. It All Starts With A Vision The revolutionary, Mahatma Gandhi, makes the profound statement: There are no words that can fully convey the power that lies in creating a clear vision in your mind for the future reality that you desire....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 808 words · Marion Feenstra