10 Destinations Every Woman Should Travel To Alone

Whether it’s by choice or because your schedule doesn’t line up with someone else, solo travel is an experience every woman should experience at least once in her life. As a woman who has traveled to dozens of cities and countries alone, I often get asked if I feel safe. Not a surprising question considering 47% of travel agents noted the greatest concern of their solo women travel clients is encountering a dangerous situation....

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1448 words · Joshua Logan

10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

When you apply for finance, lenders look at your credit report to determine how much of a risk you are as a borrower, and therefore how much money – if any – they are prepared to lend you. Credit checks are made for most things today: credit cards, loans, cars, houses, electrical goods, mobile phone contracts and even landlords. Those with low credit scores will be given higher interest rates, or will not be able to obtain credit at all....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 144 words · Carl Selby

10 Enemies You May Have That Could Ruin Your Life

1. Ignoring Important Things If there is a leak in your roof, you can choose to ignore it. But every time it rains, the leak will get worse and damage more plywood and support beams. And so it is with life’s important problems/issues. They are not going away, and the earlier you deal with them, the less you will have to deal with. Suppose, for example, you have a colleague at work or a family member who continually takes advantage of you – perhaps borrowing money or eating up your time with incessant complaining and/or drama....

December 21, 2022 · 10 min · 1938 words · Roberta Concepcion

10 Essential Tools Used By Professional Bloggers

You are going to find here ten essential tools which are there to serve you if you are a blogger. These tools are guaranteed to save your time and help you on your journey to be a professional blogger. 1. Evernote You might be casually travelling in a public bus and surfing internet for something interesting and new. Lucky for you, you accidentally hit something interesting. What would you do?...

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 962 words · Ruth Garcia

10 Habits Of Successful Ceos That You Should Adopt

1. They read books. Many successful CEOs are avid readers. They read a variety of genres, from autobiographies to fiction to business books. Most of the ultra successful CEOs even go so far has to having their book list on their websites. One of the best and well-know examples of this is Bill Gates, who keeps his booklist available for anyone to read. 2. They ask questions. One of the best habits to develop is the habit of asking....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 601 words · Morris Ferrer

10 Household Luxuries You Appreciate More In Your 30S

1. You get really excited about cabinet space I’ve come to realize in the last two months how much cabinet space increases the pleasure of cooking, and there’s an art to setting up a kitchen. I felt like I deserved a gold star when I took the time to arrange an entire cabinet for oils and cooking wines, and another for spices (organized by ethnic food group. Because that’s not insane at all)....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 650 words · Patricia Glatt

10 Improvements You Can Make To Your Resume Right Now

1. Ditch the funky fonts. Hard-to-read fonts are a fast way to get your resume on the bottom of any HR manager’s stack. Stick to something simple, like Helvetica or even Times New Roman — and while you don’t need to put it in 72 point, don’t drop down below a 10 point typeface either. I know that the designer in you is crying out, but as emailing a resume becomes common practice, it’s crucial to use fonts everyone has....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 787 words · Paul Brucculeri

10 Mind Tricks To Motivate Yourself To Work Out

1. Dress the part Buy some flattering exercise clothes. Put them on first thing in the morning and look in the mirror. You have taken the first step. That was easy! Now, go to the gym and let everyone see how good you look in those workout clothes. 2. Find your favorite fitness routine Explore as many forms of fitness as you can. Try tennis, swimming, zumba and yoga, whatever looks like fun....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 726 words · Jerry Lee

10 Must Do Things To Prepare For An Awesome Road Trip

This is the perfect time to plan a road trip, what with the summer coming up. However, preparation is the key to a fun, hassle-free road trip. If you do your prep work right, you can be as spontaneous as you want to be once you’re on the road. Here are some things you should remember before venturing out on an adventure of a lifetime. Don’t cut too far into your budget, you might have an emergency Always have something extra for a rainy day, and this isn’t about bringing an umbrella!...

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1044 words · William Prichard

10 Of The Most Bizarre Myths From Different Cultures

We all love these, one way or the other. Maybe they were passed down from generation to generation or they were lucky enough to be preserved in writing. However, there are many stories that aren’t as famous as others. We all know about Zeus and his father Kronos. We all know about Horus and his quest for vengeance over his uncle Seth. And maybe we also know a little bit about Coyote, Vishnu, Thor or Sheng-Long....

December 21, 2022 · 14 min · 2935 words · William Barton

10 Powerful Ways To Stop Worrying And Start Living Today

In his classic book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie offers tools to ditch excessive worrying that help you create a worry-free environment for your private and professional life. These are the top 10 tips to grab worry by the horns and wrestle it to the ground. 1. Make Your Decision and Never Look Back Have you ever made a decision in life only to second-guess it afterwards?...

December 21, 2022 · 7 min · 1361 words · Ava Rich

10 Practical Tips For Holiday Travel You Can T Miss

1. Create an ultimate check-list There are so many things you need to do when you travel for the holidays. You might think that you can keep a mental list in check, but statistically you are bound to forget something. Make things easier on yourself, and create an ultimate check-list. This list should include all of your major, important tasks as well as the little things that matter. If you like, create pre-flight, flight and post-flight check-lists so that you can better keep track of what you need to get done at specific times....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 673 words · Samantha Leblanc

10 Proven Habits Of The Happiest People In The World

In his TED talk, he summarized fulfillment and happiness as “consisting of knowing what your highest strengths are and using them to belong to, and in the service of, something larger than you are.” There are dozens of researchers like Seligman who have studied the art and science of happiness. I’ve dived into the most interesting habits of the happiest people in the world and decided to share them with you here....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 856 words · Shanti Ries

10 Questions That Will Unlock Your Potential

1. If I could write a letter to the 2004 version of myself, what would it say? Let’s pretend that you are living in the future and have been handed the opportunity to write a letter to the 2004 version of yourself. I’m not going to offer you any further direction as I feel this exercise will be more powerful if I don’t lead you one way or another, but just in case you’re curious, here’s what I would say to the 2004 (17 year-old) version of myself: Dear Teenage Dan, You’re feeling a bit nervous right now, but take a deep breath and do the scary thing, because it’ll be worth it....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1182 words · Michael Dykas

10 Reasons Why Book Lovers Are Good Lovers

According to both 2006 and 2009 studies published by Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, and Keith Oakley, a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto, people that enjoy reading might be more compassionate and have more empathy.The researchers used the term “theory of mind” to describe empathy as the ability to respect other people’s opinions, beliefs, and interests. This quality also makes them better lovers....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 760 words · Maria Leja

10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Man S Best Friend

1. Dogs have terrible short-term memories. One of the crappier aspects of human friends is that, generally speaking, they remember all of the times you’ve wronged them and will hold it against you for the rest of their lives. Dogs, on the other hand, have the “gift” of poor memory. That means you can mess with their tail, play keep away with their food, and tug on their ears to your heart’s content, even if it annoys them....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1255 words · Kalyn Christensen

10 Reasons Why Everyone Needs To Support Their Friends

—John Lennon. We all need to support each other, especially our friends and family, and we need that support to be mutual. We must give and expect the following if we can count on them as friends: No fear of talking openly about emotions, moods and feelings. No reluctance to ask for help when needed. It can be a practical chore, advice or just someone to listen. No lack of empathy or trust....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 1005 words · Brian Brown

10 Reasons Why Some People Have Frequent Breakups

—Leo Buscaglia 1. They never fix their perimeters. The common mistake is that we constantly loose our ego boundaries when we are in love. It’s ok to lose now and then; sometimes losing is winning too. However if it were a habit, you would succumb to the will of your partner leaving all your integrity at stake resulting in a conflict. Never forget: Do not loose ego boundaries 2. They literally “FALL” in love....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 606 words · Buford Newton

10 Reasons You Ll Never Get Bored On Your Next Vacation In Rome

1. Explore the Pantheon Quite possibly the best preserved structure from ancient Rome, the Pantheon sits adjacent to Piazza della Rotonda. Construction was completed in 126 AD and this structure has served as a Roman Catholic Church since the 7th century. The architecture of both the inside and the outside are well worth the visit. 2. Throw a Coin into the Trevi Fountain This structure is famed worldwide, as there is a legend that says whoever throws their coin into the fountain will one day return to Rome....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 651 words · Anna Russ

10 Relationship Mistakes That Make Us Lose Sight Of What S Really Important

But if it’s not like that, you may want to stop and consider what’s wrong. These are some relationship mistakes we all make at some point or the other that we absolutely must stop at once and here’s why. For the Supporting Actors: Stop Undervaluing Yourself Seriously you’re a superstar. Remember that time you aced your presentation even though you barely had enough time to prepare for it? Or when you just live day in and day out happily even though society often burdens you with ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’, ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and keeps trying to tell you how to live?...

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1248 words · Jonah Flaherty